Alters, Introjects, and using POC names

Written by systems of color ❤

❝What're POC names?❞

“POC,” which stands for “people of color,” is a general umbrella term that collectively refers to all people of color — anyone who isn't white. POC names are names that come from any POC culture.

❝Why shouldn't I use POC names?❞

Well, the answer is: You can! (If you're from that specific culture!)You see, many POC have faced horrible racism due to their names. Our names, historically, have been mocked, used against us, and had us harassed for decades. Using the very names that were used against POC when you're not apart of their culture is inherently racist."But im not being racist!"Put it this way: Imagine being Enslaved/Mocked/Murdered/Mamed only for your abuser's later relatives to use your names as an aesthetic. Seems pretty messed up, right? Yeah.

❝But I'm an introject?❞

You see, using POC names for aesthetics or source attachment when introjects aren't their source is racist and appropriative. you dont bodily face the oppression systems of color do.Feeling entitled to POC names because you're an introject is a very toxic mindset and only makes you a fake ally to POC/fellow POC"alter race" does not exist. Lets say we have a "Japanese" alter, they are not really Japanese. Because we did not grow up Japanese. Japanese people face their own hardships and for us to claim that our alter is "Japanese" because he "feels Japanese" is extremely disrespectful.

❝Isnt that ableism?❞

No, ableism is a type of bigotry. POC asking people to not use their names is not bigotry. Once again, introjects are not their source. They are not automatically their source's race, -Therefor, they should not use their source names if they cannot bodily use them. -Because that, by definition, is real bigotry

❝I'm a POC, can I use names from other POC cultures?❞

Historically, different POC cultures were oppressed in different ways. So no, its best if you do not use names from cultures that are not yours, even if you are a POC yourself.Example: If you are bodily Japanese, you cant use Korean names and vice versa.

❝What names CAN I use?❞

If you're white:You can use any single name that is not from any closed cultures! (Closed cultures = POC cultures)If you're a POC:You can use any single name from your specific culture or from any non closed cultures!